Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy is an evidence-based practice that helps people across the lifespan to do the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of daily activities. Occupational therapy practitioners enable people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health, and prevent—or live better with—injury, illness, or disability. Our Occupational Therapy program is provided in home and community settings and strives to restore independence and purpose in the individuals we work with.

OT Services We Offer

Our OT’s meet with our clients to perform an initial assessment in order to compose an individualized care plan based upon the client’s skills, abilities and goals.

Typical OT services we provide include the following:

  • Individualized Evaluations and Customized Interventions & Goals

  • Home Evaluations

  • Activities of Daily Living Training

  • Cognitive Rehabilitation

  • Safety Awareness Training

  • Family/Caregiver Education

  • Neuromuscular Re-Education

  • Stress Management

  • Sleep Management

  • Strength & Conditioning Training

  • Work Capacity Services

  • Assistive Technology Identification & Implementation

  • Sensory Processing Strategies

  • Mobility Education & Training

  • Home Exercise Programs


What Our OT’s Can Assist With

Following a motor vehicle accident, an individual’s skills and abilities can change drastically due to injuries sustained. Our OT’s assist individuals with improving and maintaining skills needed to participate in activities that they want and need to do, most importantly what is meaningful to that person.

Examples of what our OT’s can assist with include, but not limited to:

  • Activities of Daily Living

  • Adaptive Equipment & Durable Medical Equipment training/education

  • Exercise Program

  • Grocery Shopping

  • Medication Management

  • Scheduling Appointments/Organizational Strategies

  • Cooking and Cooking Safety Awareness

  • Low Vision Training

  • Compensatory Cognitive Strategies

  • Memory Strategies

  • Community Mobility

  • Community Integration

  • Budgeting, Money Management, Financial Training/Paying Bills

  • Leisure Activities

  • Pet Care

  • Wheelchair Accessibility

  • Cleaning/Home Management

  • Home Safety

  • Pain Management

  • ROM/Strength Training

  • Dynamic Balance Training

  • Life Skill Development

Positive Benefits of OT

Common benefits of OT can include, but are not limited to:

  • Improved Motor Skills

  • Improved Activities of Daily Living Skills

  • Increased Mobility & Range of Motion

  • Improved Processing Skills

  • Increased Balance & Coordination

  • Improved Attention Span & Mental Alertness

  • Increased Safety Awareness

  • Increased Community & Work Reintegration

  • Reduced Limitations & Restrictions

  • Improved Cognitive Functioning